Indiana Masonic Home Foundation Board Members

Jeffery P. Zaring, P.G.M.
Board President

Alex L. Rogers
Board Vice President
“By serving as a member of the IMHF Board, I feel I can provide the necessary commitment and input in re-developing the Foundation’s mission, vision and goals for the betterment of our Indiana Masonic Home.”

Donna M. Clutter
Board Secretary

Gregory N. Jordan
Board Treasurer
“I have a strong calling to volunteerism and helping others. I see this role on the IMHF Board as an opportunity to continue my service to others and it is also a way to pay back (in very small token) all I have received from the fraternity.”
Ronald L. Buskirk
Board Member
Daniel Riley
Board Member

Gary E. Brinley
Board Member
“I like serving on the board of the IMHF because it gives me an opportunity to use my talents and abilities to give back to Freemasonry.”

James L. Chesney, P.G.M.
Board Member
“I enjoy working with investments. Serving on the IMHF Board allows me to apply my financial knowledge to help our Indiana Masonic Home. It’s a way of giving back to the Fraternity that has given me so much.”

Richard J. Elman, P.G.M.
Board Member
“Serving on the IMHF Board offers an opportunity to continue what I, as a Freemason, truly believe is the cornerstone of our Fraternity, “Charity.”

Joel R. Harbaugh
Board Member

Robert D. Heuchan
Board Member

Charles F. Marlowe
Board Member